many reader always asked me what is "guiding sound". Many readers are confusing the difference between external sound, guiding sound and internal sound.
internal sound is the sound we played inside the bh. Main purpose of internal sound is to create a comfortable feeling for the bird to stay in our bh.
external sound is the sound we played at the entrance. External sound will attract the swiftlet approaching your farm/bh , then entering your farm ( your micro must be ideal before the bird decided to stay.)
what is Guiding sound???
Honestly, the guiding sound is same with the external sound. But the function of the guiding sound is to guide the new young bird to go to inner part of our farming. Normally i will place the guiding sound at the place i wish the bird to go, especially at nesting area. But the arrangement of guiding sound must be correct. the swifltet will confuse and stress if the guiding sound place improperly.
if you wish the bird come to nesting area, your guiding sound must be placed near to the nesting area. the bird will follow the guiding sound to nesting area.
if you wish the bird dive from top floor to lower floor, the guiding sound must be place near to the LAL (lubang antara lantai). the sound will guild the swiftlet dive to lower floor.
the guiding sound will give a good effect if you know how to use it.
EOF Swiftlet farming